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Tech Talk

Tidewater Tech Graduate Spotlight: Kyle Horton

By Terrell Wiggins

Kyle Horton was born in Philadelphia, PA and moved to Virginia with his parents when he was four years old. His original plans after graduating high school were to go into the military, since he really wasn’t sure what he wanted to do, career-wise. His father asked him what his goal of joining the military was and Kyle, unsure of the answer, stated that it was really for the money.  Kyle’s father had been employed as a successful heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) technician for a number of years, and it was at that point he introduced his son to the HVAC field.  Not long after this conversation, Kyle decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and go into a trade himself.  He then enrolled into the HVAC program at Tidewater Tech.

In review of his time at Tidewater Tech, Kyle says that everything was (nearly) perfect. The teachers were always on time. He loved the lab because it was so much like the real world environment that he would work in. The administrative staff were praised for how professional and understanding they were. It was because of the caring faculty and staff, and the welcoming environment of the camps, that he boldly stated that he never felt the urge to quit when things got challenging.

Horton learned how to balance school and life. He stated that it helped that he didn’t have a lot going on prior to enrolling into school. Kyle would leave the campus at around two o’clock in the afternoon and would have to be at work by five o’clock. That was his routine every day up until graduation. However, he did mention that there were times when classes would get challenging and he would need the extra help to for a difficult task. He stated that the teachers were very helpful and they were always there for him when he needed them.

His greatest motivation was knowing that his hard work would lead to a rewarding career for him in the end. He knew that he had to do something, whether military or a trade. So he chose the latter, and he’s very glad that he listened to his father. When asked what the best advice he could give to someone who is feeling that they can’t finish or won’t make it through the program, Horton made a very profound statement. “Others can’t want more for you than you want for yourself,” claimed Horton.

Kyle knew what he wanted and was not going to allow someone else to want it more for him than he did. He graduated from his HVAC program at Tidewater Tech in August of 2018 and is currently working in the field as a HVAC technician at Gregory’s Heating and Cooling.

Kyle attributes his love for HVAC directly to his father. He describes how his father was able to make a living and give his family such a great life because of his expertise in the HVAC field. He now is looking to duplicate that same lifestyle. Horton states that he would like to start his own HVAC business within the next five years.

The faculty and staff at Tidewater Tech wishes you the best of luck in your pursuits Kyle!


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