Written by Megan DeHart, Career Services Coordinator
Christopher Jones was born in North Carolina and remained there throughout high school. Following high school graduation, he joined the U.S. Army as a logistician. During his 11 years of service, Christopher traveled between Germany, Korea, Iraq, and Kuwait. In 2015, he retired from the Army and moved to Fort Lee, Virginia, where Christopher would live with his son through May of 2018. It was then that Christopher moved once more, this time to the Newport News area of Hampton Roads. Following this move, Christopher sought out Tidewater Tech to finally act on his long sought-out interest of pursuing a career in welding.
In June of 2018, Christopher started the Combination Welding diploma program at Tidewater Tech. When asked what drew him to the trades industry, Christopher stated, “ In regards to Christopher’s input on the knowledge and skills obtained throughout his program, he stated that he felt prepared for future interviews, how to tweak his resume as he seeks to further his experience, and secure employment in the welding field.
“I am beyond thankful for the assistance and tips that I received from the Student Affairs department at Tidewater Tech, especially when it came to updating my resume,” stated Christopher. “Also, I’d like to send a big shout out to Justin & Mr. Sellers for helping me on overnights!”
Within five days of his graduation, Christopher interviewed for a welding position and received an offer letter!
Christopher wanted to leave some words of inspiration for future Tidewater Tech students, stating that if he could tell someone who hits an obstacle and feels as though it could prohibit the continuance of their program, he’d simply say “stay focused and push through it. It will all be worthwhile in the end!”