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Cool for the Summer: Tips to Keep Yourself Cool While on the Job

By Esperanza Poquiz Edited by Jul DeGeus 

With a date of June 21st, summer is right around the corner. For some of us, this means pool parties, lazy days on the beach and outdoor fun in the sun. But for others, “summer” has a darker meaning; a cruel time period in which one must to stay indoors to seek shelter from the blistering heat. If your opinion happens to relate to that of the latter, these tips can help keep your home at its coolest, without breaking the bank:

Let the Wind Blow

Using fans may seem like the most obvious tip on how to stay cool, but here are two little secrets that most people do not know about:

There are two settings on a ceiling fan; one to have the fan rotate clockwise and the other to have it rotate counter-clockwise. Setting your ceiling fan to spin counter-clockwise allows the hot air in the room to rise upwards and out, that way the hot air doesn’t cycle around the room.

If you do not have a ceiling fan, no problem! For those using a portable fan, make sure to have the fan facing out and away from the room that you are in. Doing this will pull out the hot air and redirect it into another room.

If you have both a ceiling and portable fan on hand, try combining these tips for optimum coolness!

Turn off the Light

Televisions, lamps, computers and laptops, OH MY! These, along with most other electronics, give off heat when being used. If you have the T.V on, shut off all other electronics that are not in use. Having only one or two electronic devices on can reduce the heat in your area, allowing for a more comfortable binge watching session. If you want to make sure you are fully benefiting from this tip, try unplugging unused items as well. Not only will this help cool your home down, it will also help save energy and possibly money when your next electric bill comes round.

Drink the Water 

Water is one of the best ways to ensure that you stay cool. Drinking the suggested amount of water for your weight guarantees that you will not become dehydrated. It’s suggested to divide your weight in half to get the number of ounces of water you should drink per day, but the best way to find your “magic” water ounce number is to consult your doctor. Keep a hand towel soaking in cool water near you to keep from overheating. When starting to feel warm, wring out the towel and use it on your head and pulse points.

Cotton as a Coolant

Cotton is always the go-to fabric during the summer season. It’s more breathable than other fabrics, like polyester or silk. This fabric combined with loose fitting clothes will allow for maximum comfort, especially when the temperature rises. Changing your bedspread and sheets to cotton material is another way to make sure you don’t wake up drenched in summer sweat.

Foods that Refresh

Altering your diet to ‘summery’ foods is a healthy way to stay cool. Swap out the comforting winter foods, like casseroles, pot pies and soups, for more refreshing foods, like salads, fruit and veggie platters, and yogurts. Not only will eating lighter help your body stay cool, it cuts back on using the oven and the heat that comes with it. Grilling out with friends is a great way to have those hot meals without increasing the indoor temperature.

Now that you are equipped with these simple tips, you can enjoy ‘chilling’ at home. Whether you’re reading your favorite book, watching your favorite series or even doing work at home, these tips can help ensure your house is the coolest one on the block.


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