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Questions to Ask in an Interview 2022

Let’s say you have an interview approaching next week and you already feel prepared to talk about yourself and your experience, but that is not the only prep you should do for your interview. While everyone is accustomed to listing off the many reasons why they are the perfect candidate for the position, many people look over the fact that asking questions about the company that is hiring is just as important as talking about yourself.

Asking questions shows the interviewer that you have done your research before coming to the interview.  Here is a list of basic questions that you could ask during your interview:

  • What kind of training is provided?
  • How does an average workday go?
  • How will I receive feedback?
  • What comes after the interview process?
  • When can I expect to hear from you?

This list of questions will probably get you short, to-the-point type of answers. If you want to truly impress your prospective employer, here are some questions to ask to get more in-depth answers:

  • Who will be on my team, and can you tell me what the dynamic is like?
  • Do the tasks of this position involve more of a team’s input or does this position focus on individual projects and perspectives?
  • What is the company’s culture like?  Are there any company traditions or group activities that employees participate in?
  • What are the main responsibilities of this position? Is it likely for the responsibilities to change in the future?
  • Do you mind telling me what your biggest challenge was since you started employment here and what are some of the main highlights that you’ve had?
  • What are some characteristics and abilities that make an employee successful here?
  • Can you tell me what the company’s objectives and current projects are?
  • What does the evaluation process look like? Will there be formal and informal feedback?
  • Are there any notable changes in the company since you have started working here?
  • Does the department interact with other departments often? If so, what department and what kind of projects do they work closely on?
  • Are there any other questions that you have for me that would be helpful for you at this stage?
  • Are there any important steps after this interview process that I need to follow?

All of these questions can be tailored and customized accordingly based on the position that you are applying for. While questions are important to ask, also be sure to mention these topics during any part of the interview:

The Company’s Mission Statement – Whether or not you ask about it in a question or just mention something that you found interesting, be sure to bring up their mission statement. This shows that you did your research and know the values of the company.

Company Growth – Mentioning that you are willing to grow, advance, or move up in the company is a great way to show that you are willing to learn and expand with the company. Whether you are looking to move up the company ladder, or just expand your tasks and knowledge within one position, mentioning growth is the best way to let your interviewer know that is something that you are interested in.

Having a list of questions prepared for your interview is key to showing that you are motivated and highly interested in the position and company. Not only does asking questions make you look like a great candidate, but it can also help you decide whether this position and company are the right fit for you!

About Tidewater Tech

Tidewater Tech has been part of an organization dedicated to helping individuals develop careers since 1969. Tidewater Tech specializes in vocational training in fields such as automotive maintenance, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), building and construction trades, and welding. The school offers professional facilities, knowledgeable instructors, day or evening classes, job placement assistance, and provides students the opportunity to gain certifications with American Welding Society, Environmental Protection Agency, Automotive Service Excellence, and OSHA-10. Tidewater Tech is an accredited member of Council on Occupation Education (COE).  Learn more at, or like them on Facebook at


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